Electronics and Communication Engineering



About the Department

The Department of Computer Science & Engineering was instituted in the year 1998 to start a 4-year B.E degree programme affiliated to the Anna University. The first batch of the students graduated from the department in the year 2001. A post graduate programme leading to M.Edegree in Computer Science & Engineering was introduced in the year 2006.

The Department's cutting edge research areas include communication technologies, information security, sensor networks, image processing and evolutionary computing. The department has collaborative partners from academia and industry. The department of CSE functions under the Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering affiliated to Anna University, Chennai.

Salient features

  • Regular workshops on advanced topics are carried out to boost the curriculum for the students
  • All the final years’ students are undertaking one application project in addition to their Final semester projects for getting acquaintance in the process of softwaredevelopment
  • Mini projects are carried out in each semester to reinforce the learning in the academicsubjects
  • On line materials through NPTEL is provided to enable the students for fast learning and develop the competency
  • More than 35 technical papers presented by the faculty in various national and international journals and conferences. More than 100 papers are presented by UG students in Various College symposium, technical seminars, National &International Conferences.

B.E, M.E CSE Programme Educational intention (PEI)

  • To develop a competent Software Engineer who can expose his expertise to the industrial and societal needs
  • To build a team leader whoiscommitted ethically to the profession in various disciplinary of the environment with optimistic attitude
  • To create a software engineer who can apply software engineering principles, techniques for software development process
  • To develop an engineer who can acquire programming skills for application development in the real-world problem solving
  • To develop a project management techniques and to work in team for successful reach of information to the end users.To create presentations, technical reports for better communication
  • To train the students for life-long learning to acquire knowledge in contemporary issues to face the career challenges

Academic Achievements

  • Anitha Suji of M.ECSE (2011-2013 Batch) got University8th Rank
  • Ms. Muthu Meenammal of E CSE (2007-2011Batch) got 48 th Rank
  • Every Year Students present around 50 papers in various symposiums, national conferences
  • E CSE students publish their paper in various reputed journals and present papers inInternational conferences

Enrichment in Teaching Learning Process

We initiated e-learning which aims at using the current technology effectively that enriches the teaching-learning process and make it learner driven. The department is organizing many short term course whichhelps the students to cope with the current technology as well as for self-employment and marching towardsentrepreneurship

  • The department is organizing every year International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Computer Science and Engineering and Information Technology at our Research articles from emerging areas were presented in the conference. Periodic guest lectures, workshops by the Industry people, alumni are organized for the well-beingof students to support their curriculum. Focusing on research, Post Graduate students are encouraged to carry out their projects in the booming areas
  • We take our students to IITs and other reputed institutions like BITS, PEC in India to participate in various workshops and to present their research papers
  • Final year students presented the papers in PEC, UCET, BITS-Hyderabad, Dhirubai Ambani Institute of Technology,Maharashtra

Workshops in the Department

Conducting Periodical Workshops on recent technologies to make the students cope with the technology.

Few glimpses

  • Operating System Design Workshop
  • International Conference
  • DBMS workshops
  • Web Technology workshop
  • Summer camp for +2 students to bring computer awareness


  • CSE Main Lab
  • Operating System Lab
  • Common Computer Centre Lab

We create an ambience in which new ideas, research and scholarship flourish and from which the leaders and innovators of tomorrow emerge”  – TCET

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